The Horizon Experience Project is dedicated to spreading critical skills, teaching people what they need to know in a crisis, and building resilience and safety in our homes, communities, and nation.
We offer a wide variety of classes designed to make you safer, stronger, smarter and to increase survivability in diverse conditions.
- First Aid
- Basic Trauma
- Adv Trauma
- Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Exposure Treatment
- Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
- Small engine repair
- Generator construction and repair
- Water works
- Farming
- Aquaponics
- Community Org
- Tiny Home Building
- Civilization Development
- Unarmed Combat
- Basic Handgun
- Advanced Handgun
- Combat Handgun
- Basic Shotgun
- Advanced Shotgun
- Combat Shotgun
- Basic Rifle
- Advanced Rifle
- Combat Rifle
- Basic Long Distance Shooting
- Advanced LD Shooting
- Combat LD Shooting
- Tactical Defense
- Tactical Offense
- Emergency Preparedness
- Go Bag Prep
- Orienteering
- Wilderness Survival
- Urban Survival
- Tracking
- Trapping
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Lock Picking
- Forced Entry Techniques
- Vehicle Acquisition
- Communication
At Home
- Home Emergency Tactics
- Off-Grid Living
- Home Hardening
- Evacuation Planning
- VIP Transport Services
Many classes will be offered with a Ladies Only option for increased comfort and specialized training.
Classes will be offered in various locations across the United States. Sign up here to be updated as classes are scheduled.